Thursday 28 May 2015

Arts Week day 3: Ceramics painting

On Wednesday, we went to the hall to paint our little ceramic bugs.
Everyone in Room 10 worked very hard to make our bugs awesome.
We will be able to take them home on Friday and decorate our garden when we get home!
We are enjoying Arts week so much!

Monday 25 May 2015

Arts week Day 2. Magnetic butterfly

Today we made magnetic butterfly with transparency card and vivids.

Before designing our pattern, we talked about different types of lines and patterns on butterflies.

We sketched patterns on our butterfly wings with pencil first, then we put the transparency card on top to trace the lines with the vivids. Next step was to flip it over and colour in the butterfly with coloured vivids. When we finished the colouring, Miss Joo and Mrs Wallace helped us to cut the butterfly out and put a magnet on its back.

We had so much fun and played with our butterfly at the end of the day.

Have a look at our beautiful butterflies!

Arts Week Day 1. Wearable art

On Monday, Room 10 visited Room 22 to view Wearable arts which has been designed by Linda Corby-Coring.

There were 4 pieces of Wearable arts and a design book for Grim Furry Tales which won the children's section of 2007 World of Wearable arts show.

They looked amazing and incredible. Here are some of the photos from Wearable arts in Room 22.

Friday 8 May 2015

Autumn leaves

In week 2 and 3, Room 10 learned about Autumn leaves.

How do they feel?
What sound do they make?
What colour are they?

We went outside and walked around the school looking for Autumn leaves then we came back to the class and branstormed ideas about Autumn leaves.

We then took Autumn leaves template and chose pastels to colour our Autumn leaves.

We had so much fun and now our Autumn leaves are on our classroom door.

Please come and have a look at our door!